It’s only about 10:00, this still counts as Wednesday. 🙂
The prompt for today’s photo is water. That kind of made me laugh because I realized that most of my pictures are of water. Easy peasy. In the interest of fair play I went on my lunch break today and took a few pictures. As seems be the trend I couldn’t decide on my favorite so I cheated and created another collage. I cheat at pool too, these things are out of my control. Really.
I actually do have a favorite, it’s the middle picture. I love photos of reflections on water where you can hardly tell which way is up and which way is down.
Now that I’ve decided to follow the Photo 101 prompts I’ve suddenly thought of all kinds of other things to write about too. I’m busily getting back into running and the garden is (semi) growing again, tae kwon do is going well. If all of that isn’t enough to inspire me I’m heading out this weekend to the WOWsummit in Orlando. If you are in the area check out their site. It’s a weekend full of healthy parenting speakers and brands like Zevia and EnviroKidz giving out samples and answering questions. I’m pretty excited about it and hoping to find some healthy, non-GMO products that my kids will love. I’m not sure how I’m going to do on my photo prompts while I”m there though!