You KNOW I love some zombies and mayhem. So deciding to attend Busch Garden’s Howl-O-Scream Unearthed was a no brainer. Not like a zombies aren’t interested no brainer, which was kind of too bad, because there were a lot of zombies to watch out for!
This year Howl-O-Scream included 7 haunted houses and a show. We made it to 6 of the houses. I missed DeadFALL which I am pretty bummed about because that one was set in a Victorian garden and greenhouse, and you know I love gardening.
I have to say, I was only disappointed by one house, and that’s because it had the longest line and because I suck at video games. I think everyone else really liked this one. Zombie Containment Unit 15: Moving Targets is pretty much a real-life video game. While you’re waiting you hear a broadcast – one of the zombie containment units has been breached. They are escaping and citizens are needed to help stop them! You get a super cool laser gun and are set loose on the containment unit of zombies. Hey, this is a job for me! Except that just like every other video game I was never quite sure what I hit or didn’t hit or what I was even trying to do. Not an issue with the place, it’s that thing where I can’t play video games and then I give up. So sad really. Know what’s not so sad? This mad cool zombie DJ on the way in.
All that about my least favorite. Needless to say we had fun. So what was the very best haunted house? Everyone we asked said it was Death Water Bayou, so we went there first. It was pretty epic. Voodoo queens, Deliverance types, it was a great start to the night.

But it wasn’t my favorite. I loved the BASEMENT. It was a tour through the kitchen for Mama’s Meats. If I hadn’t been a vegetarian before I went in I’d still be one now. Because that woman’s secret ingredient is Texas Chainsaw Massacre meets you. Gross and scary and awesome all in one.

What’s up next? How about a Zombie Mortuary? It seems zombies have taken over a small town mortuary and are working their way through the staff and mourners. Sound old school? Holy crap, you try walking through a room of totally still dead people and trying to not touch anything because you know whatever you touch will actually be alive and get you. Ya, it’s like that. I didn’t get any pictures ‘cuz zombies, but here’s Busch Garden’s video to haunt your sleep.
Next house, Circus of Superstition: The Last Laugh. I own a black cat and I have no problem (much) walking under ladders, but that does not mean I think it’s a good idea to meet all superstitions in one house. In 3D no less. Got a problem with leaving a hat on a bed? How about a cracked mirror? Hmmm, sucks to be you. Hope you don’t have a problem with clowns… ‘cuz clowns.
Oh, and then there is the reason that all of this occurred. It seems that while doing renovations to the park an old house was dug up. In the house? A demon of course. Stupid renovations. Just saying.
Oh, and here’s some tips for when you go.
- Bring a change of clothes if you really want to be dry. You are in Florida, it’s going to rain and lightening. And when it does Busch Gardens is going to close the rides because of that crazy thing where they don’t want you to die. Even if you’ve been in line for a while be nice.
- Talk to the people around you. We didn’t get to go on any roller coasters because lightening, but I met some great people and heard some great stories. Sometimes a win isn’t the one you were going for. Plus, the houses are still open.
- Want a great picture? Don’t hesitate to rest those elbows on a trash can or whatever is around. It makes for a much clearer picture on your cell phone than if you just hold your phone up.
- Drink. Ya sure, they have not just beer but also mixed drinks. And I had some. But I’m talking about Power Aid or water. And don’t wait until you’re thirsty and cranky.
- Start with the house or event you most want to see – you may not have time to see everything.
- Most important – wear comfortable shoes! We were on our feet from 4:30 to 1:30 am and by the time we left the car seat was the most comfortable chair I had ever, ever sat in. Ever. Trust me on this one.
I received 2 tickets to #Unearthed run as a member of Tampa Bay Bloggers and their partnership with Busch Gardens in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own, of course.