My Favorite Vegan Tweets of the Week
So, two things.
First of all, I joined NaBLoPoMo this month which is a challenge to post every day in November. I already took last weekend off, so there’s that. But I’ve still already got further than any challenge thing I joined before. So I feel obliged to post something. Sorry.
Second of all, after going to the Tampa Bay Veg Fest last weekend I got motivated to try the 30 day vegan challenge. It sounds so easy since I’ve been a vegetarian since forever, but not so much. I’m actually going to write a separate post about that. See, once I start writing I tend to just keep going and going and going…. Again, sorry.
Anyways, I thought it would be fun to share some Twitter tweets (not that there are any other kind) from some of my favorite tweeters.
The Gay Vegans don’t post a lot of recipes, but they do post a lot of things that make you think. I like following them because in addition to blog posts they tweet a lot about whatever they happen to be doing so you get to virtually know them. I think they’d be great people to get together over a drink and philosophize with.
The Gay Vegans: Vegans dating non-vegans? #gay #vegan #dating #plantbased #plantstrong
— The Gay Vegans (@TheGayVegans) November 7, 2015
Broke Vegans, on the other hand, post a ton of recipes. The vast majority of them look amazing and are not usually recipes that I see everywhere else. For sure follow them for the food, vegan or not. This recipe is cool because it seems like the vast majority of vegan cheese recipes involve nuts, this one is based on garbanzo beans.
#vegan #glutenfree Tomato and Basil #cheese #recipe — 2brokevegans (@the2brokevegans) November 12, 2015
I have to admit, I haven’t actually looked at 50 pizza recipes, but since deciding to try vegan for a bit I have been pizza obsessed. OBSESSED. That is not an exaggeration. Those stupid Totino’s 99 cent pizzas are tempting me. I know. So sad.
50 Scrumptiously Delicious Vegetarian Pizza Recipes
— Vegan Family Recipes (@veganfamrecipes) November 2, 2015
You’re a braver woman than I. I don’t think I could give up meat for a weekend…let alone a month. Although it would probably be easier than giving up sugar.