Getting Somewhere
I finished week 2 day 3 of the Couch to 5k program this morning! The third day was pretty easy both weeks, but that could be because I run day three in the park by the bay; after I wake up because I want to. Much more fun that waking up and running in the dark before work through the neighborhood! That officially wraps up week 2, though I’ll probably go on an even slower than usual run tomorrow night too since my shins didn’t bother me at all this morning. Last Sunday I went with the kids riding around me on their bikes, and they were distracting enough to make it another easy day. Too bad I can’t have them ride their bikes with me in the half marathon!
Next week we go from 90 seconds to 3 minutes at a time. I’m actually looking forward to it even though it won’t be easy.
I can’t believe that I’m happy to be running a big 90 seconds at a time, but it’s more than I could do 2 weeks ago!
What’s even more amazing is that thanks to some very generous people I’ve already raised $200 for the Crohn’s and Colitis foundation of America on my fundraising site. I don’t know if I’ll hit my goal of 3,500 by the end of May, but I’m off to a great start!